
The Power Of A Vision

“A man without a vision is a man without a future. A man without a future will always return to his past.” (P.K. Bernard)
“A knife cuts because it has a narrow focus” (Cleddie Keith)
“A coward dies a thousand deaths, but a brave man dies only once” (Roman soldiers)
“When God predetermined our destiny, He factored in our stupidity. Therefore there’s always enough time to finish?” (Larry Randolph)
 The level of sacrifice that an environment requires will determine the size of people that will follow” (Kris Vallotton)

A progressive revelation of an ageless revival for our generation is growing in our hearts. It is for those who went before us and for those who are yet to be born. Yet, the question of how the vision is to be implemented remains.
One famous Proverb says:
Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, but happy is he who keeps the law - Proverbs 29:18
Vision is the bridge between the present and the future. Without it we perish or go “unrestrained,” as the New American Standard Bible puts it. Vision gives pain a purpose. Those without vision spend their lives taking the path of least resistance as they try to avoid discomfort. The level of sacrifice that a vision requires will determine the size of people who follow. Sacrifice separates the small from the great.
Consider the example of a young man who has just graduated from high school and joins the military. As soon as he steps off the boot camp bus, the sergeant starts yelling at him. He has to march over to the barbershop and get his head shaved. Then he is up early in the morning to exercise with someone screaming at him and talking about his mother. Just a month before, he was in high school. He would have never put up with any of this nonsense from his teachers or classmates. But somehow his whole mindset has changed. Why? He is enduring the “cross” so to speak, because of the joy on the other side of it. He realizes that boot camp is preparing him for a greater destiny. His vision of the future is giving his present physical discomfort meaning and purpose.

So many of us go through life not understanding the purposes of our trials. We spend our days walking a crooked path, believing that every obstacle in the road is a problem and something to be avoided.
The second part of this Proverb says, “But happy is he who keeps the Law.” The law isn’t just something God gave to Moses. It is also the restraint, boundaries and disciplines we develop around our life to direct us through obstacles instead of around them. These obstacles become baptisms of fire that forge our character so we can attain and maintain a life of greatness.

Vision is what we see, but it is also the way in which we see. Vision is the lens that interprets the events of our life, the way we view people and our concept of God. If we have a scratch on our glasses, it may seem like everybody around us has scratches too, but the problem actually lies with us because our vision is impaired. Jesus said that our eyes are the windows of our heart. Paul prayed that the eyes of our heart would be enlightened. In other words, we perceive with our eyes but we see with our hearts. Our minds receive images from our eyes but our heart interprets these images. If our heart becomes bitter, jealous, hurt or in someway infected, the lens of our heart is distorted. What we perceive is happening and what is really going on could be two completely different things. Jesus said, “You will know the truth and the truth will make you free” (John 8:32). The word truth used here is not referring to the Bible itself, (although all truth is rooted in the Bible) but here the word truth means reality. Jesus is saying, you will understand what is real and that will free you. So many of us live in a virtual reality. The way we view life can feel and look real, or make perfect sense, but still not be real at all. Have you ever watched a good movie and gotten totally into it? You experience all the emotions of real life. You may even leave the theater still “feeling” the movie, but it was just a movie? it was never real. The truth is: we see what we believe to be true. Another way to put it is, if you have the wrong pretext you will misunderstand the context. Having a revelation of what is real will deliver us from a life of torment that virtual reality often causes.

Therefore, the things we believe to be true determine the way in which we interpret life. These “things” are called “core values.” Core values are the lens or eyes of our heart. It is important for us to realize the incongruence between what our core values presently are and what we really want them to be. Often, the things we say we believe and the things we actually believe are not the same. We must understand that it is not the truths that we believe in our head that are our core values, but rather the ones we believe in our heart. The things we perceive to be true determine the way we respond to the world around us and to God who lives within us.
These core values also help define the part of the flock that we find ourselves called and attracted to. The children of Israel experienced this principle when they came into the Promised Land. Joshua assigned land to them according to their tribes and divisions (Joshua 18:10). In other words, they received land according to their diverse visions. For instance, if they had a vision for farming, they probably did not go with Caleb to the mountain country but instead were given land that best facilitated their vision. Therefore the land they were given and their vision was congruent. From this perspective, it is not very hard to see how some church splits happen. Sometimes pastors, in their zeal to build their churches, attract people that have a vision for things that their churches or “land” (metaphorically speaking) will not sustain. This dual vision eventually ends up in di-vision.

True Godly vision consists of foresight, insight and oversight that come from His sight. Foresight is like looking at life through a telescope. This outlook allows us to know what is ahead as it connects us to our future. Foresight is the element of vision that helps life make sense and gives us the motivation that we described earlier.
Insight is like viewing life through a microscope. This perception gives us an understanding of why things happen in life. It also helps determine the underlying motivations of the heart.
Oversight puts life into context. It is like flying over our house in a helicopter. There is a perspective that we can only receive from this vista that helps us understand where we are with respect to where everything else is. The sons of Issachar are great examples of this kind of vision. The book of I Chronicles says that these men understood the times and had knowledge of what Israel should do (12:32). People that are blessed with this type of vision often have great wisdom concerning the seasons of life.
His sight assures us that the vision we have is from God. A vision from the Lord creates a mission from heaven. This is illustrated in the life of Moses when he went up on the mountain, received a vision of the tabernacle, and was told to construct it according to the pattern that he had received. (Exodus 24:16-28:43) Visions like this are just “pipe dreams” without some sort of administrative plan to complete them. A lot of people have lofty ideas about things they would like to accomplish for God but they seem to have no sense of how to see the dream fulfilled. There are entire books dedicated to this subject, therefore, I will just give an overview of how to accomplish a vision.

The first part of accomplishing any vision is to take it from the unseen world and bring it into the natural realm. This can be accomplished by simply writing down the vision. Articulating the vision on paper pulls the dream that is in your spirit (that no one can see but you) into the visible world so that others can capture it in their own hearts. Tools that help to visualize the mission such as architectural drawings, models, testimonies of others who have accomplished similar dreams, or visits to places that have a common purpose are all helpful in capturing and defining the vision for both yourself and others who will come alongside and help.
Then the LORD answered me and said, ‘Record the vision and inscribe it on tablets, that the one who reads it may run. For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay - Habakkuk 2:2-3
There is an old story about three bricklayers that helps illustrate what it looks like when people receive motivation from taking ownership of a vision:
There were three bricklayers working beside each other on a wall. Someone came up to the first one and said, “What are you doing” “What;’s it look like I am doing?” he replied sarcastically, “I am laying bricks!” The man asked the next guy on the wall what he was doing. He said,”Can’t you see what I am doing? I am building a wall.” Then the last man was asked what he was doing. He exclaimed, “I am building a great cathedral for God!”
Who do you think will do the best quality work and be the hardest worker? Vision causes people to love their work because they can see the big picture. Someone once said, “If you want to build a great ship, you can go out and find some talented craftsman or you can find a person who loves the sea.” Imparting God’s vision to the team around us is the single most important factor in seeing the mission accomplished.
The next step is to create a plan to accomplish the mission. The Bible says:
Without consultation, plans are frustrated, but with many counselors they succeed; the plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the LORD - Proverbs 15:22 & 16:1
From these two verses we see that although the vision must be from God Himself, men are to help develop the plan that brings about the fulfillment of the vision. Notice how Solomon highlights the fact that developing plans in a vacuum, (without the expertise and insight of others who have different gifts and perspectives than we do), will ultimately end in frustration.
It’s important for administrative people to understand that they are there to administrate the mission. The word administrate means, “add-to-the-mission,” not change the mission. Visionaries often do not like to work with administrators because by nature administrators are refiners and finishers. Sometimes administrators do not understand that they are being brought in to help visionaries determine how something should be accomplished, not what should be accomplished. If the vision is so large that it requires the help of Heaven (which it often does when it really is from God), it will be important that the visionary impart the vision and the faith to see it accomplished to the team. First Timothy 1:4 says that the administration of God is “by faith.”

People often disguise their fear as wisdom when they enter into a supernatural mission that can only be accomplished with the help of God. Moses had this problem when he sent the twelve spies in to the Promised Land to determine where they should enter. Ten of the spies misunderstood their mission and somehow thought they were being asked whether or not they should take the land at all.
This type of misunderstanding of the roles people are invited to play in the mission has caused the demise of so many would-be miracles, paralyzing the church of the living God. For years, the people of God have often settled for what can be accomplished by human effort and ability, because we have allowed the opinion of faithless people to determine what we will achieve, instead of being faithful (faith-filled) to the vision we saw “on the mountain”. This is a perversion of the gospel of the kingdom. We should never settle for anything less than what God told us to do.

After the plan is established, goals must be set. The Bible says:
I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus - Philippians 3:14
Goals are simply the vision broken down into smaller pieces that are measurable in time and space. In other words, they are specified parts of the mission that we will accomplish by a predetermined date. Many people don’t like to set goals because they think that if they are not able to accomplish them on time, they have failed. The truth of the matter is that, “If you fail to plan you plan to fail.” Great leaders know that setting goals is what gives the mission a sense of urgency. Urgency is a friend to managers as it sets the pace for those who are carrying out the mission. If wisdom is used in goal setting, very little management is needed to motivate the workers since urgency manages them. However, be careful not to give your workers more to do than they have the faith to accomplish in a given time period. If it is too much, they will not even try, just like trying to catch a bus when it is already a block ahead. You probably won’t even run after it, as there is so little possibility of you catching up to it. On the other hand, if the bus just starts to pull away from the curb when you get there, you will probably move out of your comfort zone to try to catch it. Yet, setting goals too low will not create a sense of urgency at all. People will not be very motivated and it will result in a lot more work for the managers.

The final stage of seeing the mission accomplished is establishing your steps. Proverbs says, “The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps” (16:9). Psalms says, “The steps of a man are established by the Lord, and He delights in his way. When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong, because the Lord is the one who holds his hand” (37:23-24). Steps are your day-in, day-out walk with God: the step-by-step, moment-by-moment, hour-by-hour decisions you make and the things you do that take up your time and use up your life. When your vision is honestly birthed by God Himself, He will be delighted to direct your steps. The most important thing to remember about your steps is that they should be found somewhere in your mission. Go back through your planner from the previous month and retrace your steps. Does it look like they are directly attached to your mission? If not, either redefine your mission or redirect your steps. Remember, history is at stake.

3 Ways to Have a Positive Attitude Amid Failure

 3 Ways to Have a Positive Attitude Amid Failure

Many, many people talk about attitude and especially the “attitude of gratitude.” It has become such a normal topic of discussion that few people probably really think about it. I’m not sure how many people actually work on their attitude daily. But trust me, it can make all the difference when it comes to reprogramming your life so you can reap the rewards and gifts of failure. It’s important to have an attitude of gratitude and be grateful for everything in your life. Even -- perhaps, especially -- the failures.
How can some people defeat the odds and achieve success? How can some turn major failures into incredible gifts that not only bless themselves but the entire world? Simple. It’s the attitude they choose.

Selecting the right attitude.

When our attitude is right, we can achieve maximum results. The right attitude can help us soar to greater heights than ever before and create extraordinary lives and businesses. Likewise, the right attitude can bring out the best in others. That’s why I mentioned that we need to interact with people who have positive attitudes because they will help us achieve our best.

You’re probably saying, “This sounds great and all, but how am I ever supposed to have such a positive attitude when everything seems to be going wrong in my life?” I get it. I really do. It’s still something I battle with in my own life. Here are three simple ways to help you keep a positive attitude regardless of negative situations or events that present themselves throughout your journey.

1. Make a conscious effort.

Make a deliberate effort to work on your attitude. I always heard about the importance of a great attitude and every football coach I ever had brought it up, but I never really saw the value of it until I hit rock bottom. I struggled so much to keep a positive and encouraging attitude amidst the failure and hard times, but that all changed when I finally made a conscious effort to improve my attitude despite what was going on in my life. Nothing will change if you don’t change. Don’t let circumstances or misfortunes dictate your attitude. Decide today to build up your attitude and attract the right kind of people into your life from here on out.

2. Create an affirmation card.

Writing an attitude affirmation card can be a total game changer for you when you’re rewiring and reprogramming your thinking. You can create an attitude shift for the better. I have always reaped tremendous benefits of “speaking things into existence” by repeating affirmations over and over, and the same goes for when I needed a change in my own attitude.

When I wanted a Division I college scholarship, I wrote and recited every day, “I will receive a Division I scholarship,” and I eventually started to believe it. Simply take out an index card and describe the exact type of attitude you want to possess. You can write something like, “I (your name) am an honest, loving, and hardworking individual. I have a positive attitude, and I build up others and let my words radiate encouragement and success. No matter what happens in life, my attitude will never be sour and negative.” This is just an example to help get you started, but you get the idea. We need to rewire and reprogram our thinking and declare the exact type of attitude we want. If we don’t, it will be extremely hard to change our attitude when we experience a failure or a setback.

3. See goodness.

Most poor attitudes stem from your perception of something, so start to look for the good in everyone and everything you come in contact with. If you look for the positive, your attitude will reflect that. An amazing transformation takes place when you see the good in everyone and everything, even failure.

4 Things You Can Do to Stay Positive In Trying Times

 4 Things You Can Do to Stay Positive In Trying Times

Everyone will agree that the current presidential campaign is turning out to be one of colossal angst, controversy and mudslinging. Friends, families and businesses are fighting with one another over which candidate is best.
The thing is, if we keep our minds on the controversies, disharmonies, and fighting, we stand a very good chance at losing hold in our businesses and in life. And we can’t let that happen.
What we can do is be of service to others. As Gandhi said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Take a look at yourself. You can strive to make a difference in your customers’ lives, in your friends’ and families’ lives and in your own business and world. A good way to counteract all the disharmony that’s taking place in our country and the world right now is to focus on the service we provide to others. Whether it’s through our business or through our relationships, we can give more, listen more, and understand more. We can glean much understanding of others by giving of our time to those in need. It was Mother Teresa who said, “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”

This may sound so cliché and simple, but it’s a truth. So, in this time of political angst, here are some things you can do to stay more balanced in your business and life.

1. Teach humanitarian service and love.

Volunteers of all ages build houses for the homeless. They traipse to other countries to build homes and provide aid to those in need. Not only that, but they collect shoes for the homeless, they pick vegetables and fruit on farmers’ fields for the homeless. They donate leftover food to the homeless from restaurants and social events. They ring kettle bells for those less fortunate. They read stories to children and play games and do arts and crafts with the elderly in hospitals and nursing homes. There are a million kind acts that people do for others. When you offer yourself to be of service to others in some small way, the love will come back to you a thousand-fold, and this will benefit your business and life.

2. Giving and mentoring: A gift that lasts a lifetime.

I know a friend who tutors and mentors at-risk youth to help prepare them for exams. His students come from all ethnicities, religions and backgrounds. He has told stories about how he helped gang members get out of their gangs and focus on their studies so they could earn good grades and attend college.
Other people I know serve as volunteer lifestyle coaches in halfway houses to help people who have been to drug and alcohol rehab. Those recovering people need ongoing help and support, and the volunteers serve as a guide to those in need. Many times these lifestyle coaches will save lives because of their gifts of service. This kind of “gift” and service is everlasting.
You can even give your time to your nieces and nephews. This is more valuable than any gift you could ever purchase for them.

Giving of yourself to others in any way will help you learn more about people and in turn, this will help you achieve more in your business.

3. Join a group like Big Brothers and Big Sisters.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America is a wonderful organization that allows you to be of service to others by volunteering your time to guide and mentor a child so he or she can fulfill their life’s potential. It gives you the opportunity to help shape that child’s future by playing sports together, reading books together, or simply going out for pizza. Some children need a big brother or big sister because they have no one else.

4. Teach by example and be a role model.

One of the best ways to serve others is to teach by example and to be the best role model you can be. Again, this sounds so simple, but it’s not. The way you carry yourself, your actions, your conversations, your thoughts, your demeanor -- all write the story of who you are. People respond to that. If you’re negative or angry all the time, that’s how people will perceive you. And there will be some who will copy you because they think if you can get away with it, so can they.

You can start slowly. Maybe even just block out one or two hours a week to give some time of service to an organization or someone. You can come up with your own creative way of volunteering. It can be at a church, a hospital, a school, a nursing home, a pet shelter or your local gym.
It’s very important to display your best at all times. Be your best. Teach your best. There’s always someone out there who needs guidance or mentoring. When you are kind to others and offer your service, it acts like a boomerang. The kindness will bounce back to you.
Stephen Covey said, “Seek to understand before being understood.” In these times of political turmoil, it’s important to stay balanced in your business and life more than ever before. We desperately need more understanding. Stop and look inward through meditation, silence, and prayer to better understand your own self.
To stay balanced and productive in your business and life, which includes a sense of empowerment and unity as a country and people, it starts with you and with love in the home and service outside.

Happiness And The Purpose Of Life

 Posted By: Nichol Chukwuemeka

“People spend a lifetime searching for happiness and looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within,” said Ramona Anderson. 

Almost all people long and seek for well-being, contentment, and a state of tranquility we call happiness. The search for happiness starts and ends within us. In all of these concerns, one great question exists: What then is the purpose of life? 

“The purpose of life is the expansion of happiness,” according to Maharishi Yogi. If we stop and think about it clearly, the purpose of life is to be happy. From the very heart of our being, we simply desire complete and lasting happiness. This does not only mean we should be contented with life, but we must also appreciate life itself. It is also important to discover what will bring about the greatest degree of happiness. 

People often forget that the primal source of life itself and happiness is God/ the Universal Force. Breakthroughs in science and technology led people to gradually lose confidence in God and eventually glorify human knowledge instead.

How many of us struggle to survive and work hard to attain prosperity and achieve happiness? With these as our goals, we labor for better times ahead. Through hardships and misery, we push ourselves to improve the quality of our lives. In the course of our pursuit, we forget the Higher Force who is all too willing to give what we desire. We just have to trust that He knows what is best for us.
In summary, here are the ten keys to happiness: 

  • Learn to appreciate simple things and manage desires.
  • Happiness is found within us. It is in the choices that we make.
  • Attitude, attitude, attitude! How we react and deal with life’s challenges spell the difference between happiness and misery.
  • Happy feelings are results of happy thoughts.
  • Happiness is a way of life.
  • Happiness is mostly created, and rarely given.
  • Learn to avoid or overcome factors that contribute to unhappiness.
  • We take responsibility for our own happiness.
  • Happiness is enhanced by the feelings of love and appreciation!
  • Happy people celebrate and appreciate life every day. Happiness is theirs for keeps.

Savor the beauty of life. Live to the fullest. Make each day a happy day!

Keys To Living A Longer, Healthier, And Happier Life

 Posted By: Nichol Chukwuemeka

"If you want to be happy, be," said Leo Tolstoy
It is as simple as that. In addition to what we have read in the previous chapters, we just have to keep in mind the following helpful tips in order to have a continuous long, healthy, and happy life:

Keep A Positive Attitude
It has already been proven that having a positive attitude will not only lead to improvements, but it also guarantees a healthier and longer life. Two American universities have studied 1,500 people for seven long years. All 1,500 were in good health when the study started. Researchers observed how they aged by measuring their weight loss, walking speed, exhaustion, and the strength of their grip.
They discovered that people who maintained a positive attitude were significantly less likely to show signs of aging. They were less likely to become weak and more likely to be stronger and healthier than those who have negative attitude.
What else did these researchers discover?
They also found out that beliefs have a direct impact on health - because our beliefs actually alter our body’s chemical balance.
So let us start thinking positively! Change the way we think and believe. We alone have the power to improve our lives by having a positive attitude and a positive belief system. We can start by believing in the power of God/the Universe and prayer. Trust that whatever we ask of Him, He will surely give it to us knowing that we have pure intentions.
Researchers have also proven that a positive thinker is more likely to succeed in life because positive thinking boosts self-esteem and self-confidence.

Perk It Up
Understandably, life can be boring sometimes. Our daily routine becomes very monotonous when we do the same old things every day. We can try to add new things into our lives, among these are the following:
  1. Visit new and exciting places. Doing this keeps life very exciting.
  2. Try to do something new - something never done before, like taking up a new sport or hobby.
  3. Do enjoyable things. These will not only give us pleasure and excitement, but also keep our worries away. A worry-free life means a longer, healthier, and happier life.
  4. For a change, we should try out the things we dread to do. Overcoming our fears is the only way to free ourselves from limitations. By doing this, we will gain more confidence and feel greater happiness.

Love Life
Love makes the world go round. The need for love lies at the very core of our existence as human beings. Love brings us the greatest happiness because we treasure it over and above everything else. We cannot and will not survive if we are left alone by ourselves. 

The foundation of human existence is love. The expression of love is the primal factor for the normal, physical, and mental growth of children. Love can be expressed in many ways like hugging, kissing, cuddling, and caressing. 

If a child does not get any of these, then his or her development may be impaired. A well-loved child grows up into a confident, secure, and happy adult. In this age, many children grow up in broken and unhappy homes. Unhappiness in childhood may lead to a serious problem in later life. A child who does not receive the affection he or she needs will find it hard to love others. 

Aside from children, we can extend love to sick people. Patients feel at ease when the doctor is especially friendly and displays a sincere concern for their well-being. Inevitably, the patients’ feelings and reactions will make a difference to the quality of their recovery. 

This is the theory of the famous Dr. Hunter Patch Adams, who built a hospital where love and laughter are integral parts of the healing process. In this hospital, The Gesundheit Institute, doctors and patients relate to each other based on mutual trust. Patch Adam’s theory on healing is based on his belief that laughter is the best cure.

Appreciate Blessings
Happiness is learning to draw satisfaction and contentment from whatever available resources we may have. Consider these as our blessings!
However, there are people who find it difficult to be contented. In most cases, the problem lies in their nature. These are the kind of people who always think negatively and take life so seriously. Rather than being content and grateful for what they have, they are focused on what is wrong with their lives and on their obsessive need to fix problems. 

The very act of focusing on imperfection and negatives pulls us away from our goal to be happy. The solution here is to catch ourselves when we fall into the habit of insisting that things should be other than what they are. Conditioning the mind to reject negative thoughts, which later turn to negative emotions, requires a lot of determination. There should be an inner desire to remove such thoughts. As we begin to eliminate the negative thoughts in all areas of our life, we will begin to discover the positive side of life itself.
We appreciate our blessings by:
  • Maintaining an optimistic attitude
  • Living our dreams
  • Understanding that failure is not the end of the world
  • Welcoming new challenges and experiences
  • Working on important goals
  • Thinking about our past successes and not failures
  • Trying to find goodness in everything and every person
A long, healthy and happy life is what we all aspire for. However, there is no single absolute way to arrive at this kind of life. We can consider tips and guidelines to hasten our journey and to make it smoother. Put these into action and be pleasantly surprised by their inherent power of life transformation! 

How To Find True Happiness: Learn The Six Secrets Of Happy People

 Posted By: Nichol Chukwuemeka

Marilyn Elias of USA TODAY wrote in one of her articles that psychologists have discovered what makes people happy. This emerging research on behavioral science that focused on happiness is known as “Positive Psychology”. 

The article states, “The happiest people surround themselves with family and friends, don't care about keeping up with the Joneses next door, lose themselves in daily activities and, most important, forgive easily …. The happiest people spend the least time alone. They pursue personal growth and intimacy; they judge themselves by their own yardsticks, never against what others do or have.” 

If we want a happy life, we should study the lifestyle, attitude, or behavior of happy people. Observe and understand what they do, then adopt their behaviors and attitudes. Here are some things habitually happy people do: 

1. They always choose to be happy. They never give themselves the option to be unhappy. They have a terrific sense of humor.

2. They try to have a good time as often as possible. They go out, and have fun with friends and loved ones.

3. They choose only the attitudes that can help them succeed and be happy. Happy people have complete control over how they want to think and feel. 

4. They follow the Golden Rule, “Do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you.” Habitually happy people are kind, caring, and compassionate. They do not speak ill against anybody. Having a clean conscience gives them long-lasting happiness. 

5. They have fighting spirit. They do not let other people control their emotions and actions. Likewise, they stay away from those who try to drag their spirits down. 

6. They never dwell on the past. Contrary to what others say, happy people are realistic as they accept the fact that life is not a bed of roses. Storms of life come and go; it is part of life. They never let bad and sad experiences ruin the rest of their lives. Remember that there is always a rainbow after a storm. They always move on with life and let time heal the wound. Joyful people face the future optimistically. 

Being habitually happy takes a lot of practice and effort. We have to develop certain attitudes and behaviors to be able to achieve happiness all year round. We can do this gradually by becoming more disciplined and determined in choosing to make happiness part of our lifestyle. 

Tenth key to happiness: Happy people celebrate and appreciate life every day. Happiness is theirs for keeps.

How To Find True Happiness: Happiness-Enhancing Techniques

 Posted By: Nichol Chukwuemeka

How do we go about enhancing happiness and pursuing it whole year round? We know happiness is far more than just money, fame, or power. Many people have all three but are not completely happy. What are the secrets to long-lasting happiness? 

According to Margaret Bonnano, “It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day-to-day basis.” If we want happiness all year round, we have to start small by having a good day every day. Small efforts build up through the day. Norman Lear teaches us, "Life is made up of small pleasures. Happiness is made up of those tiny successes. The big ones come too infrequently. And if you don't collect all these tiny successes, the big ones don't really mean anything." 

How do we accomplish this? There is a simple way that we can do at the start of our day. As we wake up each morning, we decide that our day will be as happy and stress-free as we hope it would be. The first thing to do is we ask ourselves, “What do I wish for today?” Feel the desire and then remember that whatever we wished for, we will surely get it as long as we try to make it happen. Ask from God/the Universe and we can never go wrong.

Master The Boomerang Principle Of Happiness
Ever considered using a boomerang to explain how to spread more happiness?
The Boomerang Principle is based on the idea that a smile is always returned. Try doing this activity on a busy location. Establish eye contact with a person (choose non-aggressive persons!) and just flash those pearly whites. Most of the time, that person will smile back. 

There is wisdom in smiling. Smiling always stirs pleasant feelings. A simple smile effectively communicates our happiness to others. It also makes people to feel good about themselves and encourages them spread the pleasant feeling. Rabbi Nachman puts it this way, “Always wear a smile. The gift of life will then be yours to give.”

Live A Life Full Of Love
Everybody wants to love and be loved by others. If we want to have a happy and harmonious home life, we have to get along well with the people around us and earn their trust and respect.
We can get involved in social and community affairs, and this can result in having happy interactions with other people. Making a difference in the lives of people, who are virtual strangers, can give us a deep feeling of happiness. We can do this by volunteering our time, effort, and money in various causes.

Engage In Enjoyable Work
Work does not seem a burden when we are having fun. Working, while having fun, is most rewarding. If we love what we do, it will not feel like we are working at all. If we are not satisfied with our job, we look for more interesting and challenging work. Of course, we all want to make a good living but more than that, we truly have to enjoy our occupation or profession to be able to do it on a sustained basis. 

Research findings from the Claremont Graduate University pointed out, “Life satisfaction occurs most often when people are engaged in absorbing activities that cause them to forget themselves, lose track of time, and stop worrying.” In fact, they have coined the word "flow" to describe this phenomenon. 

This phenomenon is described as “People in flow may be sewing up a storm, doing brain surgery, playing a musical instrument or working a hard puzzle with their child. The impact is the same: A life of many activities in flow is likely to be a life of great satisfaction …. And you don't have to be a hotshot to get there.” 

University of Pennsylvania psychologist Martin E. P. Seligman and author of the book Authentic Happiness have this to say, Flow stretches someone but pleasurably so, not beyond his capacity. People feel best when doing what they do best."

Achieve Financial Independence
Being financially independent means being free from money worries. Likewise, it means not having to depend on others for livelihood. It is having enough money in the bank that can support our lifestyle once we decide to retire. The act of saving and efficient management of our investments throughout our working lives will eventually bring us to happiness. For some this is the point where they will never have to work again.

Go For Inner Peace
Peace of mind is essential for one to be happy. Inner peace is reflected in the face. We become more relaxed and stress-free. Having peace of mind also means better over-all health. When we are healthy -- physically, mentally, and emotionally -- our relationships with the people around us tend to get better. The greater our over-all peace of mind, the more likely we will achieve happiness.

Focus On The Trio Of Happiness
The trio of happiness: GRATITUDE, FORGIVENESS, and ALTRUISM.
Current trends show that more and more people engage in writing “Thank You Journals”. Psychologists explain that daily expressions of gratitude have a lot to do with life satisfaction. “Talking and writing about what they're grateful for amplifies adults' happiness,” they report. 

We can try one simple activity with our journal. Select a blank page and write on the first line “My Strengths (Things that I am Thankful For)”. In the succeeding lines, write down as many positive things as we can think of about ourselves and about circumstances surrounding us. This activity need not be completed in one sitting. We should keep the list to read over and continue adding to it. The journal is one effective tool which keeps our focus on what is positive about ourselves, others, and life in general, instead of dwelling on the negative. 

Another option is to keep a diary, which is a wonderful way to reminisce good times. More importantly, it is a reminder that bad times don't last. Some people include photos in their diaries and journals. Looking at happy times and old friends induces the feeling of joy.

Another trait strongly associated with happiness is forgiveness. It is associated with feelings of inner peace. University of Michigan psychologist Christopher Peterson says, "It's the queen of all virtues, and probably the hardest to come by."

Altruistic acts boost happiness in the giver. This need not come in the form of donating money. It can be as simple as volunteering our time, service, and skills for notable causes. There is joy in giving.
Ninth key to happiness: Happiness is enhanced by the feelings of love and appreciation!

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