
How To Find True Happiness: Learn The Six Secrets Of Happy People

 Posted By: Nichol Chukwuemeka

Marilyn Elias of USA TODAY wrote in one of her articles that psychologists have discovered what makes people happy. This emerging research on behavioral science that focused on happiness is known as “Positive Psychology”. 

The article states, “The happiest people surround themselves with family and friends, don't care about keeping up with the Joneses next door, lose themselves in daily activities and, most important, forgive easily …. The happiest people spend the least time alone. They pursue personal growth and intimacy; they judge themselves by their own yardsticks, never against what others do or have.” 

If we want a happy life, we should study the lifestyle, attitude, or behavior of happy people. Observe and understand what they do, then adopt their behaviors and attitudes. Here are some things habitually happy people do: 

1. They always choose to be happy. They never give themselves the option to be unhappy. They have a terrific sense of humor.

2. They try to have a good time as often as possible. They go out, and have fun with friends and loved ones.

3. They choose only the attitudes that can help them succeed and be happy. Happy people have complete control over how they want to think and feel. 

4. They follow the Golden Rule, “Do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you.” Habitually happy people are kind, caring, and compassionate. They do not speak ill against anybody. Having a clean conscience gives them long-lasting happiness. 

5. They have fighting spirit. They do not let other people control their emotions and actions. Likewise, they stay away from those who try to drag their spirits down. 

6. They never dwell on the past. Contrary to what others say, happy people are realistic as they accept the fact that life is not a bed of roses. Storms of life come and go; it is part of life. They never let bad and sad experiences ruin the rest of their lives. Remember that there is always a rainbow after a storm. They always move on with life and let time heal the wound. Joyful people face the future optimistically. 

Being habitually happy takes a lot of practice and effort. We have to develop certain attitudes and behaviors to be able to achieve happiness all year round. We can do this gradually by becoming more disciplined and determined in choosing to make happiness part of our lifestyle. 

Tenth key to happiness: Happy people celebrate and appreciate life every day. Happiness is theirs for keeps.

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