


s parents, we try to guarantee a healthy and happy life for our children. Sometimes, however our best efforts can have the opposite out come. Everyday parents do things that could have a harmful and long lasting impact on their children. These  difficulties, low self esteem and other characteristics that can stop them from being   successful adult. These mistakes sometime appear superficially okay to parents without their knowing the harm, hence this topic. For the fact that our children are the lights of our lives we all start envisioning nothing but success love and happiness for them and by so doing over do them . However these dreams often do no manifest because they are not getting the important thing they need to become disciplined, matured and motivated adults. It’s important to know that they are deferent types of parenting style in the rearing of children. These are the authoritarian, authoritative, indulgent and neglectful styles.

The authoritarian parent is what is called the strict parent. They are slightly warm, highly controlling and domineering, and want everything done their way. Children from such homes are very stubborn and rebel against their parent at adulthood. The authoritative parents are warm but firm to encourage to the independent while monitoring limits and control. Children here exhibit calmness, modest and always open minded and above all happier. The indulgent parent are very warm but under demanding in terms of monitoring limit and control. They let children become spoiled brat. The neglectful parent are not said to be warm and do not place demands on a child neither do they have time for a chat with their children. These children are over exposed to the ears of the society eg: sex, drug, truancy, touting etc.

In view of the above there are things done by the above parent that can be harmful to the children which I want to talk about but before that, it is important to know the group called children here are the ages between 0-16 years whose utmost care is needed for the proper development into adults.

Let us consider the following mistakes:  

Over protection: this is normally seen in authoritative parents. When we protect our children from every problems and emotions, it creates a sense entitlement and inflated self-esteem that often make children to run to their parents at every slightest problem. They expect life to be easier than it is or always go their way. They want everything done for them no matter how they behave. They become depressed and confused when they don’t get what they believe they deserve. for example,  you see a matured married man coming back to his mother or friend at any slightest quarrel with the wife, seeking for advice from the mother or family member before deciding on how to relate with the wife.

 Meddling: there is a great deference between asking, concerns and meddling, some may call it puke-nosing. This inhibits the maturity of a child and he/ she will never learn to navigate the sharper edge of relating with others except the parents are involved.  A typical example is a mother always rushing to the school when ever her child is in trouble to get him/ her off the hook. Also, you see some delinquent behave so rascally believing their dad will come to their rescue and unfortunately some do come.

Inconsistency: rules give guidelines and boundaries to children and they mostly live up or down it according to how consistence these are related to them. At their age, they get easily confused. For example, in a family where a father corrects a child for misbehaving, the mother saying any6thing contrary o the husband’s correction leads a child to confusion of who loves and who hates. The affects a child and would exhibit bad manner because of the conflicting information.

Alienation: if you always but down your spouse in front of the kids, never show affection and love to him or her in front of them, the children will never develop a barometer of what love is all about or what it looks like. Some parents yell at each other in front of their kids threaten divorce, in so doing; you create  a chronic state of anxiety for your child. Some parents try to buy over their kids over their spouse with gifts and telling a child how bad mum/ dad is at any slightest problem.” A man that treats his wife like a princess shows he was brought up by a queen”  and vis-vasal.

Minimizing: whenever a child is been shouted down because he/ she asked a question, expressed sadness, anger or fear. You are simply mocking the child or minimizing his or her feeling, you are simply telling him/ her that he has no right to grow up. When a parent do this, they with hold the love from their child hence missing the opportunities to have opened an honorable connections of bounding and to know they are loved unconditionally.

Pretence: most parents make their children feel guilty for growing up and having normal developmental needs and desires which often cause deep sense of in security and inferiority complex. A mother was always yelling at her 8 years old daughter simply because her breast is developing. I noticed the little girl no longer feel comfortable in her presence and always cover’s her chest whenever she comes to answer mummy. When I asked she told she told me she feels nausea on seeing her daughter because she feels she is not telling her the truth of who touched her when she is not around. This is an everyday story and happens in so many homes.

Preference: in trying to be a parent, do not switch styles over between the sex of a child. Parents tend to be authoritative to their daughters and become an authoritarian to their sons. This brings discord in a family and should be avoided. Also, we should remember that the parents are not the only disciplinarian in a child’s world. It includes the teacher, coach, a relative and other adult in the neighborhood .hence if any of these should reprimand a child for a wrong doing, parents do not need to make an issue of it or go fighting for the child since such was done in good faith it makes a child to feel immune in a negative manner.

in summary we need a balanced parenting in children because they are our future and the factors of a stable society we all dream of; even though we can’t control what happens you can at least give them a good start in life. 
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