
How To Find True Happiness :Essential Elements Of Happiness

Posted By: Nichol Chukwuemeka

We have already learned that happiness goes beyond material things. This is echoed by William Barclay when he said, “Joy has nothing to do with material things, or with man’s outward circumstance. A man living in the lap of luxury can be wretched and a man in depths of poverty can overflow with joy.” 

Happiness can be induced by many ways and means. Some result to short-term happiness, while others have long lasting results. In a busy world where everyone and everything seem to be moving in a fast pace, we can do ourselves a great favor by taking time off for self-reflection. 

Meditation is a powerful tool for inducing happiness. Through meditation, we can reach a level of mental clarity. Making meditation a regular part of our lives will lead us to new and exciting possibilities for our inner peace. This will enhance happiness as a result.
Several factors need to be met for us to achieve happiness. These prerequisites include:

Good Health
Health is wealth. Good health is a very important factor in achieving happiness. It allows us to make life more enjoyable. On the other hand, an illness not only drains the pocket, but it also destroys our zest in life.
Therefore, the body must be treated well, pampered with love, and given the needed nourishment. We take good care of it by taking preventive measures. We can opt to engage in a healthy lifestyle by eating the right foods and doing regular exercise.

Sufficient Source Of Income
Basic income should meet the family’s basic needs. This frees us from worries about basic needs and concentrates on pursuing what we love best.
Basic needs vary from one family to another. What is implied here is income to provide for reasonable food, clothing, and shelter. What is reasonable and enough depends upon the family’s needs.

Love is the foundation of human existence. We need to feel loved to be happy. It is crucial that we have at least one person whose company we enjoy to share our life with. This does not have to be a romantic relationship. A family member or a friend can fill this need.

Productive Work Or Activity
People feel a sense of achievement just by knowing that they can still contribute their skills and are needed 
by the people around them. Doing productive work or activity boosts our self-confidence and self-esteem, which eventually leads to happiness.

Good Attitude
A person with a negative attitude in life can never be happy. A positive attitude is needed to ensure long and lasting happiness. A perfectionist would likely be upset when the world is not the way he wants it, but a person with a positive attitude would be tolerant and understanding with all kinds of people, events, and circumstances.

Defined Goals
In achieving happiness, goals must be set for all aspects of life such as business, career, relationships, health, etc. After setting our goals, we must make an action plan on how to achieve these goals. We then implement our plan and monitor the progress. Continuous progress leads to a sense of fulfillment and happiness.
Unless all of the above prerequisites are met, we cannot be truly and completely happy. Failing to meet any one of them is tantamount to forgetting one ingredient that makes a recipe completely satisfying! It is therefore very important that we are healthy in all aspects – physically, mentally, emotionally and financially – to be able to achieve lasting happiness.

Fifth key to happiness: Happiness is a way of life. 

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